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Plan: Enterprise | Version: 5.7+

Banners allow you to configure and display internal messages that all users of your Unleash instance can see and interact with. They are displayed at the top of the Unleash UI, and can be configured to be interactive.

Banners table

A common use case could be to have some pre-configured banners that you can enable when you need to communicate something to your users. For example, you could have a banner that you enable when you're doing maintenance on your Unleash instance, and another banner that you enable when you're running a survey.

In order to create and display a banner, you can follow the how to create and display banners guide.

Banners can be enabled or disabled at any time. For more information on how to enable or disable a banner, see the section on displaying banners.

EnabledWhether the banner is currently displayed to all users of your Unleash instance.


Banners can be configured with the following options:

TypeThe type of banner, which controls the banner's color and its icon, if using the default icon option.
IconThe icon displayed on the banner. This can be the default for the banner type, a custom icon, or hidden by selecting "None".
MessageThe banner's message. Supports Markdown.

Custom icon

To further personalize your banner, you can configure it with a custom icon.

To use a custom icon in your banner:

  1. Select "Custom" in the icon dropdown.
  2. Enter the name of the desired Material Symbol.
    • For example, for the "Rocket Launch" icon, enter rocket_launch in the custom icon field.
Custom iconThe custom icon to be displayed on the banner, using Material Symbols.

You can set up an action for your banner:

Banner actionThe action activated when a user interacts with the banner link. Defaults to "None". Options include a link or a dialog.

When choosing the link action, a link will be displayed on the banner that directs users to a specified URL.

The configured URL can be absolute, as in e.g., or relative as in e.g. /admin/network. Absolute URLs will open in a new tab.

URLThe URL to open when the user uses the banner link.
TextThe text to display on the banner link.


When opting for a dialog action, an interactable link appears on the banner which opens a dialog with additional information.

TextThe text to display on the banner link.
Dialog titleThe title to display on the dialog.
Dialog contentThe content to display on the dialog. Supports Markdown.

Sticky banner

For added visibility, banners can be configured to be "sticky," ensuring they remain at the top of the Unleash UI, even after scrolling the page. This is useful for banners that you want to make sure that your users see and interact with.

StickyWhether the banner is sticky on the screen when scrolling.