Create, update, and delete Unleash addons.
📄️ Get all addons and providers
Retrieve all addons and providers that are defined on this Unleash instance.
📄️ Create a new addon
Create an addon instance. The addon must use one of the providers available on this Unleash instance.
📄️ Get a specific addon
Retrieve information about the addon whose ID matches the ID in the request URL.
📄️ Update an addon
Update the addon with a specific ID. Any fields in the update object will be updated. Properties that are not included in the update object will not be affected. To empty a property, pass `null` as that property's value.
📄️ Delete an addon
Delete the addon specified by the ID in the request path.
📄️ Get integration events for a specific integration configuration.
Returns a list of integration events belonging to a specific integration configuration, identified by its id.